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Irish I told you just imaginary weirdo Nostalgia breaking and NO flat empty not real girl just shaky eyes where image ah sticker in tattoo ah opposite ah those real occur TOLD YOU TO QUIT THESE BLOODY GAMES I AM GONNA RIP YOU TO SHREDS NOW! 👿 UH AH BIG RULER DID TOLD FAIR ONE SPOT RIGHT JUST ONE RULE AND BIG RESENTFUL TAKE REVENGE RULER THE BYSTANDER HAUH AH PYANGARAM GET OUT MEET UH NONSERIOUS DATE AND NUMBER WORD NUMBER

Irish I told you just imaginary weirdo Nostalgia breaking and NO flat empty not real girl just shaky eyes where image ah sticker in tattoo ah opposite ah those real occur TOLD YOU TO QUIT THESE BLOODY GAMES I AM GONNA RIP YOU TO SHREDS NOW! 👿 UH AH BIG RULER DID TOLD FAIR ONE SPOT RIGHT JUST ONE RULE AND BIG RESENTFUL TAKE REVENGE RULER THE BYSTANDER HAUH AH PYANGARAM GET OUT MEET UH NONSERIOUS DATE AND NUMBER WORD NUMBER