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gfwerwregf Person 1 true memory December 25 2018; in going car ride with uthay nagarajah, sagnjeevie and tulsy uthay at back and asha nagarajah in middle seat, karthi uthay sitting in front playing '' song in his headphones and toward ending 3:19-3:41 3:41 audio playback looking at screen after song end, but while happening, headphone, looking at circle mirror thought 'Apr 2023 anime girl', + 'blue dressed anime girl, child thought light skinned thought' wintery, cloudy, morning snowy, christmas day. and wavy lines radioactive aves and pacman antonio palmucci (closed edition), going front, evil laugh haughty and arrogant and biting. counting seconds, wave audio lengths the song though +0.216 st, rounded saying +0.22, but not recalled.

gfwerwregf Person 1 true memory December 25 2018; in going car ride with uthay nagarajah, sagnjeevie and tulsy uthay at back and asha nagarajah in middle seat, karthi uthay sitting in front playing '' song in his headphones and toward ending 3:19-3:41 3:41 audio playback looking at screen after song end, but while happening, headphone, looking at circle mirror thought 'Apr 2023 anime girl', + 'blue dressed anime girl, child thought light skinned thought' wintery, cloudy, morning snowy, christmas day. and wavy lines radioactive aves and pacman antonio palmucci (closed edition), going front, evil laugh haughty and arrogant and biting. counting seconds, wave audio lengths the song though +0.216 st, rounded saying +0.22, but not recalled.