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werfgwergf Person 1 thought; March 28 2022 katie norris sacred heart high school; bright summer light grass somewhat snowy and wearing jacket spring winter like, people playing and summer coming and March 28 2022; Swimming is today 'March 28' yep, it's on thursday letter note impending event note time, harbinger future reminder game class fear and anxious other people fun at a normal time? is it summer vacation? feel like summer vacation alternate season alternate time July like summer like Spring March -4 months but nearly the same, family kindred like + grass, duuuh error sound, block building invalid sound, phi circle speedometer act, handle and part moving fast 0.75 to 1, 0.55 to 1, changing color, and speedometer adjust change handle compass directed capacity point, beaupect canjor, cheese eating 'fail, game over best score, arp and C E G F A C G / E C D G C G C, instrument c chord sound happy spring day relax never do those again, sit and do refreshed day free from event and constant mind tension no worries nothing happening peaceful boring but prioritized work day, and go to new evolution progress like never come back those things' + 'teaching lesson bigger person and karthi more than 0.125, smaller boss, do himself and his life affairs + change life and norris both powerful strong tolerable + emotionally strong and restricted other inspection" "March 27, 2022 | Journal Prompt writing english class chromebook light off and students + text journal prompt on screen smartboard, Karthi Uthay and" room sacred heart high school 9th grade english and getting older, new times coming lesser for future remaining time + older and focused, move on, top, and paying attention and hmmm norris and karthi, little boss listen norris the bigger karthi the adult like teen bigger, thoughts" THOSE ARE NOT TRUE! THEY ARE JUST THOUGHTS! YOU WASTED NASTY GARBAGE BRAIN YOU DUCK HOBO! ERASE THAT GARBAGE THOUGHT THAT IS NOT A MEMORY IT IS A TABOO JUNK! IT OCCURRED ON MAY 3 1033 AD!

werfgwergf Person 1 thought; March 28 2022 katie norris sacred heart high school; bright summer light grass somewhat snowy and wearing jacket spring winter like, people playing and summer coming and March 28 2022; Swimming is today 'March 28' yep, it's on thursday letter note impending event note time, harbinger future reminder game class fear and anxious other people fun at a normal time? is it summer vacation? feel like summer vacation alternate season alternate time July like summer like Spring March -4 months but nearly the same, family kindred like + grass, duuuh error sound, block building invalid sound, phi circle speedometer act, handle and part moving fast 0.75 to 1, 0.55 to 1, changing color, and speedometer adjust change handle compass directed capacity point, beaupect canjor, cheese eating 'fail, game over best score, arp and C E G F A C G / E C D G C G C, instrument c chord sound happy spring day relax never do those again, sit and do refreshed day free from event and constant mind tension no worries nothing happening peaceful boring but prioritized work day, and go to new evolution progress like never come back those things' + 'teaching lesson bigger person and karthi more than 0.125, smaller boss, do himself and his life affairs + change life and norris both powerful strong tolerable + emotionally strong and restricted other inspection" "March 27, 2022 | Journal Prompt writing english class chromebook light off and students + text journal prompt on screen smartboard, Karthi Uthay and" room sacred heart high school 9th grade english and getting older, new times coming lesser for future remaining time + older and focused, move on, top, and paying attention and hmmm norris and karthi, little boss listen norris the bigger karthi the adult like teen bigger, thoughts" THOSE ARE NOT TRUE! THEY ARE JUST THOUGHTS! YOU WASTED NASTY GARBAGE BRAIN YOU DUCK HOBO! ERASE THAT GARBAGE THOUGHT THAT IS NOT A MEMORY IT IS A TABOO JUNK! IT OCCURRED ON MAY 3 1033 AD!