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egudy 12421

egudy 12421

Karthi Uthay when he feels because babies are doing foreign actions that are weird against normal rules he is not jealous, he is just being influenced thermally. he is not this "I have no clue. I would say that they are screwed up on the inside. In my opinion, if you are being jealous of someone else’s child, you are basically insulting yourself and your child without realizing it. Why can’t people take pride in their own babies, why can’t people take pride in their own flesh and blood, even if they aren’t as good as the rest? To me it’s just pure stupidity and foolishness to envy someone else’s child. Who cares if the other child seems to be more skilled, more gifted, more athletic. What people tend to forget is that their child has different strength’s and different weakness. It’s their job as parents to assist their children with that. They also don’t want to face the truth. The truth is, no matter how unique or skilled your are, there will always be someone out there better than you. There are over 7 billion humans in this world, and probably more than a million of em could beat you. That’s the truth. Jealousy isn’t the answer. Acceptance is. Those that cannot accept the truth of things, will always be bitter and jealous. Man, i think of this all the time… Parents see their son/daughter winning and succeeding, and they be like: That’s our child! Our pride and joy! But as soon as that child ends up failing, they be like: Nope, that’s not our child. Bullshit. Absolute bullshit. Your child needs you the most when he/she starts failing, and not meeting the standard. 8.1K viewsView upvotes Related questions Do parents become jealous when they see others' sons and daughters are more successful than their own? How should I deal with parent jealousy over my child, who then is targeted for the simplest things? How common is it for parents to be jealous of their children? Why do they get jealous? What kind of people are envious of other people's children?". MMMUGH!