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ergergrghe karthi uthay memory; August 2020; Late August; Karthi Uthayabalan In Front Lenovo Computer Device, Looking at screen, watching calculator, calculating Numbers "1 / 6,103.5162... = answer (1.63839982...e-4)," thinking, precision clear mechanical window background plate calculator, no rounding up, glass plate, windows 10 calculator, compared to asus phone calculator, original cardboard plate, imprecision, this calculator is 105% precise, too, clear plate background thoughts. and memories. in Holiday Inn Suites Hotel, Floor level, higher, XE04 and Room Other (RH42) type floor level and type room number! karthi uthay memory, post-night time, holiday inn suites glow lights, design seen, lights on, dark glows, sagnjeevie, asha nagarajah, uthayabalan nagarajah, and karthi uthay standing by car, ready to take stuffs suitcases, necessities, foods, clothes and supplies and everything, karthi uthay one minute, looking at the car, thinking, holiday inn suites, 14.75, head shake, girl, intrusive thought, 92.5% subconscious, vaguer, but, looking at golden van. (karthi uthay misrecalled it as white van!). but looking at car, night, and far gap place scene, space streets. high amount acre area space eternity-like!

ergergrghe karthi uthay memory; August 2020; Late August; Karthi Uthayabalan In Front Lenovo Computer Device, Looking at screen, watching calculator, calculating Numbers "1 / 6,103.5162... = answer (1.63839982...e-4)," thinking, precision clear mechanical window background plate calculator, no rounding up, glass plate, windows 10 calculator, compared to asus phone calculator, original cardboard plate, imprecision, this calculator is 105% precise, too, clear plate background thoughts. and memories. in Holiday Inn Suites Hotel, Floor level, higher, XE04 and Room Other (RH42) type floor level and type room number! karthi uthay memory, post-night time, holiday inn suites glow lights, design seen, lights on, dark glows, sagnjeevie, asha nagarajah, uthayabalan nagarajah, and karthi uthay standing by car, ready to take stuffs suitcases, necessities, foods, clothes and supplies and everything, karthi uthay one minute, looking at the car, thinking, holiday inn suites, 14.75, head shake, girl, intrusive thought, 92.5% subconscious, vaguer, but, looking at golden van. (karthi uthay misrecalled it as white van!). but looking at car, night, and far gap place scene, space streets. high amount acre area space eternity-like!