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BABY ANZU FUTABA IS A BIG DISGRACE Disgrace, Disgracious shameful shocking scandalous deplorable despicable contemptible beyond contempt beyond the pale dishonorable discreditable reprehensible objectionable base mean low blameworthy unworthy ignoble shabby inglorious infamous unprincipled outrageous abominable atrocious appalling dreadful terrible disgusting shameless vile odious monstrous heinous iniquitous unspeakable loathsome sordid bad wicked immoral nefarious indefensible inexcusable unforgivable intolerable embarrassing humiliating degrading knavish dastardly scurvy egregious flagitious exceptionable BABY ANZU FUTABA HAS DONE MANY CRIMES IN ALL HONESTY AND ALSO SCAMMED MY ACCOUNT AND SPAMMED ME AND RAPED ME, SHAME ON HER, SHE EXPLOITED THE COUNTRY WITH DANGER AND WAR ON PURPOSE AND NOT FOR LEARNING, BABY ANZU FUTABA DESERVES loss of reputation or respect as the result of a dishonorable action:!

BABY ANZU FUTABA IS A BIG DISGRACE Disgrace, Disgracious shameful shocking scandalous deplorable despicable contemptible beyond contempt beyond the pale dishonorable discreditable reprehensible objectionable base mean low blameworthy unworthy ignoble shabby inglorious infamous unprincipled outrageous abominable atrocious appalling dreadful terrible disgusting shameless vile odious monstrous heinous iniquitous unspeakable loathsome sordid bad wicked immoral nefarious indefensible inexcusable unforgivable intolerable embarrassing humiliating degrading knavish dastardly scurvy egregious flagitious exceptionable BABY ANZU FUTABA HAS DONE MANY CRIMES IN ALL HONESTY AND ALSO SCAMMED MY ACCOUNT AND SPAMMED ME AND RAPED ME, SHAME ON HER, SHE EXPLOITED THE COUNTRY WITH DANGER AND WAR ON PURPOSE AND NOT FOR LEARNING, BABY ANZU FUTABA DESERVES loss of reputation or respect as the result of a dishonorable action:!