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Deleting and Restoring a Scene

To Delete a Scene

  • Inside of Your Documents, select the checkbox(es) in the upper-left corner for the scene(s) you wish to delete.
  • You can right-click and select “Delete [X] Scenes” or simply click the “Delete [X] Scenes” button that appears in the Available Actions in the top left-hand side.
  • To view any deleted items, you can visit the Trash.
  • To script this action, please visit here.
  • Alternatively, if you have a paid subscription, you can make a scene non-public by adjusting its permissions.

To Restore a Scene

  • Inside of Trash, select the checkbox(es) in the upper-left corner for the scene(s) you wish to restore.
  • You can right-click and select “Restore [X] Scenes” or simply click the “Restore [X] Scenes” button that appears in the Available Actions in the top left-hand side.
  • Scenes that are restored will return back to Your Documents.

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