

claraplayer(elOrId, options) → {API}

The main function. This function initializes the player for a given DOM Node.

Name Type Description
elOrId String | DOMNode

the DOM Node or String id of a DOM Node.

options Object
Name Type Description
callback function

an optional initialization function that will be called (with api as argument) before the first render.


The clara playera API.


Type Definitions


The Dynamic animation object.

  • Object
Name Type Description
name String

A name for the animation

iterations Number

Number of iterations (use Infinity for continuous)

start Number

Start time of animation (default now).

easing String

Easing type of the animation

easingDuration Number

Amount of time in milliseconds to ease in the animation (default 0)

autoplay Boolean

If set and we are not currently animating anything, will start animations playing immediately (default false).

playSpeed Number

How fast the animation should play. Use negative numbers to play in reverse. (default 1).

tracks Array.<Track>

Track list


The annotation object, for displaying custom annotations.

  • Object
Name Type Description
id String

The id of the annotation node.

top Number

The number of pixels from the top

bottom Number

The number of pixels from the bottom

left Number

The number of pixels from the left

right Number

The number of pixels from the right

text String

The annotation text (node name or custom text).

visibile Boolean

Is the annotation visible.

alpha Number

The opacity of the annotation as requested by limit visibility and camera position.

position Vector3

For advanced use, the 3d position of the annotation

normal Vector3

For advanced use, the normal vector


The API for the clara player. This is an Object that contains:

  1. the event emitter
  2. A deps key that exposes some of the player's dependencies for use externally
  3. The available modules, which namespace the actions and selectors.
  • Object
Mixes In:
  • eventEmitter


  • Object
Name Type Description
THREE Object

The three.js version used by the player.

h function

The DOM helper library used by snabbdom

patch function

The patch function used by snabbdom


  • Object
Name Type Description
id String

An optional id for the node

name String

The node name

type String

The node type.

parent String

The id of the parent node.

plugs Object.<string.Plug>

Optional operator data.


The query object, used for filtering and finding within the scene graph.

If only id and/or name are specified, the query will return nodes. If a plug is specified,

  • Object
Name Type Attributes Description
from String | QueryObject | Path <nullable>

The root node to search from, defaults to the active scene node.

id String <nullable>

The id of the node.

child String <nullable>

If you can ask for an id, you can ask for a specific child of that node (by type).

parent Boolean <nullable>

If true, will return the parent id of the matched node. (Note: This is only valid for id queries)

name String | RegExp <nullable>

The name of the node, or a RegExp that will match

type String <nullable>

The type of the node

plug String <nullable>

If provided, will only match nodes with this plug

operatorIndex Integer <nullable>

The index of the operator to include in the path

property String <nullable>

The property to use in path, will match the first operator with this property.

properties Object <nullable>

Will match operators that that match the provided value.

shallow Boolean <nullable>

If true, will match only direct children of the from node

includeParent Boolean <nullable>

If true, will include from node in the match.


The Track animation object.

The track may have keyframes defined, in which case the track will interpolate over the keyframes, or it may have value defined, in which case it will interpolate to the value.

Available easing Functions: linear, easeInQuad, easeOutQuad, easeInOutQuad, easeInCubic, easeOutCubic, easeInOutCubic, easeInQuart, easeOutQuart, easeInOutQuart, easeInQuint, easeOutQuint, easeInOutQuint, easeInExpo, easeOutExpo, easeInOutExpo, easeInCirc, easeOutCirc, easeInOutCirc, easeInElastic, easeOutElastic, easeInOutElastic, easeInBack, easeOutBack, easeInOutBack, easeInBounce, easeOutBounce, easeInOutBounce

  • Object
Name Type Attributes Description
path Array.<String>

Path to the key being modified.

value Any

The end value to animate to (required for non keyframe animations).

start Number

Start time of the track (offset from the start of the animation, default 0).

duration Number

Duration of the track in milliseconds. (default 0, ignored for keyframes)

type String

Type of property being animated ('Number','Vec3','Color')

easing String

Easing function to use (default 'linear').

tween function <optional>

If specified, will be used as a custom tween function for the property.

set function <optional>

This lets you animate properties that are not part of the scene graph.



Emitted when the scene and all assets necessary to render the scene have been loaded.


Emitted while the scene is loading, with a progress value from 0 to 1.


Emitted when the scene and all assets necessary to render the scene have been loaded. Occurs before the 'loaded' event, and is an opportunity to modify the scene before it becomes visible.


Emitted when the scene has been fully rendered.


Emitted when render mode changes between vr, normal and lenticular.


Emitted when three.js has been loaded and initialized