


(static) closeAnnotation(id)

Close annotation node.

Name Type Description
id String

id of the annotation node.

(static) openAnnotation(id)

Open annotation node in the player.

Name Type Description
id String

id of the annotation node.

(static) useCustomAnnotationFunction(fn)

Use custom annotations. Set a custom function that will be called for every annotation on every scene update. The arguments passed to this function will be the annotation object, and the div that any annotations may be created under. This div has pointer-events set to none so that the scene below it will receive all mouse/touch events. If you wish to handle events in your annotations, make sure to set pointer-events.

Name Type Description
fn function

The function to be called for every annotation update.

(static) useCustomOverlayFunction(customFn)

Set a custom function that will be called for a completely custom annotation overlay. The argument passed to this function will be the annotation parent div. This div has pointer-events set to none so that the scene below it will receive all mouse/touch events. If you wish to handle events in your UI, make sure to set pointer-events.

Name Type Description
customFn function

Function will be called once for each change